Apify Discord Mirror

Updated 5 months ago

Dataset importion problem

At a glance
when using crawlee in a node.js project (npm i crawlee), I keep getting this error with my code :
(cheerio crawler, btw)
TypeError: Dataset is not a constructor

from this section in my scraper code:
const { CheerioCrawler } = require('crawlee');
const Dataset = require('crawlee').dataset;

i changed it from
import { CheerioCrawler, Dataset } from 'crawlee';
const { CheerioCrawler } = require('crawlee');

and tried moving the dataset too in its separate require statement but i'm getting this error

this is not in a my-crawler folder and not made with "npx crawlee create my-crawler"
this is node.js project that i downloaded the crawlee package to with "npm i crawlee"
is there something i need to change with the package.json or what's the problem?
Any reason why you don't want to use the, import statement?

Although it will show you an error of "you can't use import outside of a module",

You can fix that by adding this line of code at the end of your package.json file,

"type" : "module"
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