I am using pre-built actors in my application. I use them like this to create the dataset:
client = ApifyClientAsync(token=settings.APIFY_API_TOKEN)
run = await client.actor(actor.value).start(run_input=run_input)
processed = 0
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
data = client.dataset(run["defaultDatasetId"]).iterate_items(offset=processed)
async for item in data:
processed += 1
logger.info(f"processing item: {item.get('url')}")
run_status = await client.run(run["id"]).get()
if run_status.get("status", None) == "RUNNING":
logger.info("Run is still running")
logger.info("Run is finished.")
I want to improve the error handling of this approach. I am wondering which types of errors or issues I could encounter and what the best practices are. Example: What happens if the actor breaks (memory/cpu/other issue) or I get an exception (which types)? What if there are errors in the dataset (400 status code, crawler blocked, etc.). Does anyone have recommendations here? Thank you!!