if (this.args['rerun-failed']) {
// - read requests from queue
// - re-add the failed ones
const request = requestQ.getRequest(requestId);
Looks like something like this would work IF I can list all the requests.
This looks like it could be it:
const head = await requestQ.client.listHead({limit: 10000000});
but for some reason the queue is empty, but I checked - it is not empty, it probably just filters for the requests of a certain status
Or maybe the client is looking at the wrong directory, because I have a named queue and the client claims it has no name and is looking at
which isn't even there.
RequestQueueClient {
id: 'bcf005dd-6b7e-4201-9196-32faba7b6d86',
name: undefined,
createdAt: 2023-03-24T13:23:04.902Z,
accessedAt: 2023-03-24T13:23:04.902Z,
modifiedAt: 2023-03-24T13:23:04.902Z,
handledRequestCount: 0,
pendingRequestCount: 0,
requestQueueDirectory: '/home/michal/dev/crawlee-vps/storage/request_queues/bcf005dd-6b7e-4201-9196-32faba7b6d86',
requests: Map(0) {},
client: MemoryStorage {
localDataDirectory: './storage',
datasetsDirectory: '/home/michal/dev/crawlee-vps/storage/datasets',
keyValueStoresDirectory: '/home/michal/dev/crawlee-vps/storage/key_value_stores',
requestQueuesDirectory: '/home/michal/dev/crawlee-vps/storage/request_queues',
writeMetadata: false,
persistStorage: true,
keyValueStoresHandled: [],
datasetClientsHandled: [],
requestQueuesHandled: [ [RequestQueueClient] ],
__purged: true
or maybe the active requests are kept in that folder which acts like that filter I was talking about
so basically there is no way to re-enqueue failed requests right now?
I am ending up reading the jsons from the storage and re-adding them manually.
Okay I'm reading the JSONs from the datastore and tried both reclaiming the request and re-enqueing.
const requests = this.getFailedRequests(rqName);
for (let request of requests) {
const data = request.data; //parsed from request.json string
await requestQ.reclaimRequest(data); // tried running both with request and request.data
for (let request of requests) {
const data = request.data;
url: data.url,
label: data.label,
userData: data.userData,
// nope, they get ignored
await requestQ.addRequests(scheduleRequests);
Okay from now on I'm using github fulltext search instead of documentation, this is the solution:
await requestQ.addRequest(new Request({
uniqueKey: 'reclaim_' + new Date().getTime()
What bugs me though, I want to avoid re-adding them multiple times. So I just want to use the url as unique key and revive the request to allow it to be processed again.
Also since I'm reading them myself, how do I properly filter for the failed ones? I see there is __crawlee
in userData
where I can maybe update the state to allow it to be processed again?
I guess I could
1) read the reuqst data
2) clear and re-create the request queue
3) re-add the requests
but it seems unnecesary
I tried to read all your messages carefully. Correct me if I'm wrong, default reclaiming strategy with maxRetriesCount(I guess it's 3) does not work for your use case?
thanks for the reply, I don't know what to say, I tried everything and it doesn't re-run the request
the key point here to understand is when proxy died on me all the retries were exhausted within minutes
so I have requests in a completely failed state and wanted to find a way to continue from where I left-off
I ended up doing this:
if (rqName != 'default') { // this line is irrelevant here, I just don't want to reformat the whole thing. I awlays use a named queue.
const requestQ = await RequestQueue.open(rqName);
options.requestQueue = requestQ;
// raise if trying to clear at the sam time
if (this.args['rerun-failed']) {
const requests = this.getFailedRequests(rqName);
// it is always the same amount, even if I let some requests finish, not sure if correct
console.log("failed requests count:", requests.length);
//const scheduleRequests = requests.map((request) => {
for (let request of requests) {
const { userData, url } = JSON.parse(request.json);
const rerun = userData.__rerun = (userData.__rerun || 0) + 1;
const uniqueKey = `rerun${rerun}_${url}`;
console.log('Re-adding: ', uniqueKey);
await requestQ.addRequest(new Request({
userData: {
__rerun: rerun,
// this should make it waiting
__crawlee: { state: 0 }
if (this.args.clear) {
await options.requestQueue.drop();
options.requestQueue = await RequestQueue.open(nameWithVersion);
this.crawler = new PuppeteerCrawler(options);
return this.crawler;
getFailedRequests(dataset) {
const dir = `./storage/request_queues/${dataset}`;
const results = fs.readdirSync(dir);
//console.log({dir, results})
const data = {};
for (let file of results) {
const row = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dir +'/'+ file, 'utf8'));
row.data = JSON.parse(row.json);
if (data[row.url]) {
// override with newer re-runs data so we have all the fresh data
if (row.data.userData.__rerun > data[row.url].data.userData.__rerun) {
data[row.url] = row;
if (row.data.userData.__rerun > !data[row.url].data.userData.__rerun) {
data[row.url] = row;
} else {
data[row.url] = row;
return Object.values(data).filter((row) => {
return row.data.userData.__crawlee.state == 5
So this basically goes into the folder, reads the request queue results and re-enqueues the ones that failed manually.
the problem with doing this a nice way is there seems to be no way to get failed requests at all
Also there is no official way to rerun them when they fail completely.
So I end up marking my re-runs with a number and once re-run succeeds I know not to rerun that url.
just advanced to level 5! Thanks for your contributions! π
it wasn't fun burning the most of the 12 hours I worked today on this, but at least I got it solved now.
can't believe this is not supported out of the box
I'm exaggerating a bit, it was more like 10 but still sucks to get stuck on something so trivial
hey that's a useful resource, thanks!
Yeah, completely agree on this. Happens to me quite often as well
I will have to go through some of those recipies, when I googled it I didn't get this webpage
There are not that many crawlee related recipes out there
gotcha, another one I found useful was about downloading images
ended up using only 5% but saved a lot of time
just advanced to level 5! Thanks for your contributions! π
Not sure what this part means:
if (request.orderNo) {
But from what I gathered, the request queue is not in datasets, its only the processed requests that are in datasets .. I think.
Anyways, I was able to put together a solution I'm happy with for now. It's simlper than what I saw in Lukas's actor repo.
This means it won't get to the queue as far as I can see from the code. As it was either completed or failed completely
Yep those requests failed completely. The key to re-entering the into the queue is to pick a new uniqueKey
Actor is just more universal solution I think, and can be used from outside
Yeah but he also uses labels in a different way in that example. I'm using them to identify different page types so I can't stop using them for that.
But we both ended up tracking retry/rebirth count π
I'll revisit his solution if mine stops working.
yep that's what I ended up doing, thanks for the link