6 month ago I created a Crawlee+Playwright+"node-beanstalk"(a JS wrapper for Beanstalkd message queue) project. I was following Crawlee documentation, created some... template? and started to add things to this template (no Docker image was used. I just installed things on Ubuntu machine).
And somehow it works (and it still wonders me)))
This is the versions used at the moment (my package.json is below, feel free to take look/criticize, i know it is not perfect):
crawlee/core 3.3.1
playwright 1.33.0
npm: 8.19.3
node: 16.19.0
Now I see that the latest Crawlee version is 3.5, latest Playwright is 1.39 and may be some other packages are updated. It is time to update.
what is the proper way to update Crawlee and Playwright in such project?Is it just this:
npm update playwright
npm update crawlee
Or something else?
I use headless Firefox it is installed here:
How to update it?
Disclaimer: i am not a JS developer, i am Java developer who somehow writes JS code (lot of copy/paste, yes) so I know that dependency management is not that easy, so I think it is better to ask in this forum than create a mess is my project...