Apify Discord Mirror

Updated last year

New fingerprint per new request with PlaywrightCrawler/Firefox ?

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The community member wants to achieve a unique fingerprint for every request in a Playwright Crawler, where cookies and sessions are not shared between requests. They have tried the hack of setting retireBrowserAfterPageCount=2 in browserPoolOptions, which gives a unique fingerprint every two requests, but it's not a perfect solution.

In the comments, another community member suggests two options: 1) setting retireBrowserAfterPageCount=1, which will open a new browser window for every request but may have worse performance, and 2) trying the "hacky" experimental containers feature in Crawlee.

There is no explicitly marked answer in the comments.

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Hi all,
what I want to achieve:

  • every request should have unique fingerprint - this is important!
  • cookies, etc. not shared between requests
  • PlaywrightCrawler
  • no sessions - every request is independent, (no login or similar)
  • Firefox
  • performance/throughput is not a number one prio
At the moment I almost have this with the hack retireBrowserAfterPageCount=2 in browserPoolOptions: this gives a unique fingerprint every two requests, which... isn't perfect (and starting a new browser instance so often looks strange)

In this thread: https://discord.com/channels/801163717915574323/1060467542616965150
a solution for browser pool (without crawler) was suggested.

I would like to have both: new fingerprint per request and PlaywrightCrawler.
Is it possible?
1 comment
Well, you can do retireBrowserAfterPageCount=1, it just has a bit worse performance since it needs to open new browser window every time.

Second option is to try hacky https://crawlee.dev/api/puppeteer-crawler/interface/PuppeteerLaunchContext#experimentalContainers
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